Eagles on Tour


In this course students that have been gifted with special talents will be able to share those talents with local retirement and nursing homes residents.  Students must be enrolled in Orchestra, Band, Drama OR provide a letter of recommendation from their (outside of the school) performing arts coach indicating their level of commitment and practice of their special talent. (i.e. – Dance Instructor, musical instrument instructor, voice coach, etc.).  Students will spend Tuesday of YES Week organizing their program and creating a paper copy, sharable program to hand out at each production at local centers on Wednesday and Thursday.  Wednesday students will perform at one retirement/nursing home facility in the morning, eat lunch off campus at Pizza Inn and perform at a second retirement/nursing home in the afternoon. On Thursday morning, students will perform at a third nursing/retirement center off campus, but return to school for lunch. Students will watch a school wide movie Thursday afternoon. Currently students will perform at the following centers: White Oak Estates, Eden Terrace, and Mountainview Nursing Home.

There will be a cost associated with this course.

Class Seats

Bookings are closed for this class.

McCracken Middle School | Spartanburg District 7